Version: 1.14.6

Publish the Site

Docusaurus Facebook

Next, we'll learn how to publish the site to the WWW for everyone to browse! For the purpose of the tutorial, we'll use GitHub pages to host our website. But you can use any static file hosting service that you want, e.g. Netlify, Amazon S3, etc.

Put the Site Online#

Kill the web server first by pressing Cmd + C or Ctrl + C depending on your operating system.

In website/siteConfig.js, fill in the following fields:

const siteConfig = {
url: '', // Replace USERNAME with your GitHub username.
baseUrl: '/docusaurus-tutorial/', // The name of your GitHub project.
projectName: 'docusaurus-tutorial', // The name of your GitHub project. Same as above.
organizationName: 'USERNAME' // Your GitHub username.
  1. In the website directory, run npm run build or yarn build. This will generate a build directory inside the website directory containing the .html files from all of your docs and other pages included in pages. Make sure the build directory is there before running the next step.
  2. Replace <GIT_USER> with your GitHub username and run the following command.
$ GIT_USER=<GIT_USER> CURRENT_BRANCH=master USE_SSH=true npm run publish-gh-pages

The built code will be pushed to the gh-pages branch of your repository.

  1. Go to and view your site in action!

Note that when you run npm run start again, the baseUrl will now be part of the path.