Version: Next

Adding a Blog

Initial Setup#

To setup your site's blog, start by creating a blog directory within your repo's website directory.

Then, add a header link to your blog within siteConfig.js:

headerLinks: [
{ blog: true, label: 'Blog' },

Adding Posts#

To publish in the blog, create a file within the blog directory with a formatted name of The post date is extracted from the file name.

For example, at website/blog/

title: Introducing Docusaurus
author: Joel Marcey
authorFBID: 611217057
authorTwitter: JoelMarcey
Lorem Ipsum...

Adding slug will override the url of the blog post.

For example:

slug: introducing-docusaurus
title: Introducing Docusaurus
author: Joel Marcey
authorFBID: 611217057
authorTwitter: JoelMarcey
Lorem Ipsum...

Will be available at https://website/blog/introducing-docusaurus

Header Options#

The only required field is title; however, we provide options to add author information to your blog post as well along with other options.

  • author - The text label of the author byline.
  • authorURL - The URL associated with the author. This could be a Twitter, GitHub, Facebook account, etc.
  • authorFBID - The Facebook profile ID that is used to fetch the profile picture.
  • authorImageURL - The URL to the author's image. (Note: If you use both authorFBID and authorImageURL, authorFBID will take precedence. Don't include authorFBID if you want authorImageURL to appear.)
  • title - The blog post title.
  • slug - The blog post url slug. Example: /blog/my-test-slug. When not specified, the blog url slug will be extracted from the file name.
  • unlisted - The post will be accessible by directly visiting the URL but will not show up in the sidebar in the final build; during local development, the post will still be listed. Useful in situations where you want to share a WIP post with others for feedback.
  • draft - The post will not appear if set to true. Useful in situations where WIP but don't want to share the post.

Summary Truncation#

Use the <!--truncate--> marker in your blog post to represent what will be shown as the summary when viewing all published blog posts. Anything above <!--truncate--> will be part of the summary. For example:

title: Truncation Example
All this will be part of the blog post summary.
Even this.
But anything from here on down will not be.
Not this.
Or this.

Changing How Many Blog Posts Show on Sidebar#

By default, 5 recent blog posts are shown on the sidebar.

You can configure a specific amount of blog posts to show by adding a blogSidebarCount setting to your siteConfig.js.

The available options are an integer representing the number of posts you wish to show or a string with the value 'ALL'.


blogSidebarCount: 'ALL',

Changing The Sidebar Title#

You can configure a specific sidebar title by adding a blogSidebarTitle setting to your siteConfig.js.

The option is an object which can have the keys default and all. Specifying a value for default allows you to change the default sidebar title. Specifying a value for all allows you to change the sidebar title when the blogSidebarCount option is set to 'ALL'.


blogSidebarTitle: { default: 'Recent posts', all: 'All blog posts' },

RSS Feed#

Docusaurus provides an RSS feed for your blog posts. Both RSS and Atom feed formats are supported. This data is automatically added to your website page's HTML <HEAD> tag.

A summary of the post's text is provided in the RSS feed up to the <!--truncate-->. If no <!--truncate--> tag is found, then all text up to 250 characters are used.

Social Buttons#

If you want Facebook and/or Twitter social buttons at the bottom of your blog posts, set the facebookAppId and/or twitter site configuration options in siteConfig.js.

Advanced Topics#

I want to run in "Blog Only" mode.#

You can run your Docusaurus site without a landing page and instead have your blog load first.

To do this:

  1. Create a file index.html in website/static/.
  2. Place the contents of the template below into website/static/index.html
  3. Customize the <title> of website/static/index.html
  4. Delete the dynamic landing page website/pages/en/index.js

Now, when Docusaurus generates or builds your site, it will copy the file from static/index.html and place it in the site's main directory. The static file is served when a visitor arrives on your page. When the page loads, it will redirect the visitor to /blog.

You can use this template:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=blog/" />
<script type="text/javascript">
window.location.href = 'blog/';
<title>Title of Your Blog</title>
If you are not redirected automatically, follow this
<a href="blog/">link</a>.
Last updated on by Sébastien Lorber